Information for suppliers of Carney UK

Suppliers, thank you for working with Carney UK. It is our intention to build a successful working relationship with you. We prefer to receive all financial correspondence via
Our trading address for all post and deliveries is:

Carney (UK) Ltd,
Unit E Goddard Court,

Our registered business address is at a different location. Please request this information if required.
We do not accept post or deliveries at our registered business address.
Telephone for general queries - 01928 580800

The telephone is often unmanned due to handling a high volume of unwanted services so please leave a message if you call us.
The best way to contact us is through our contact form. You will get a quicker response through that channel.

Customers/suppliers: our standard payment terms are 30-days net monthly (invoice month-end plus 30-days).
Suppliers, please be advised; If we do not receive your month’s invoice(s) before 7th of the following month, your invoice will not be paid on time and will be paid the month after. For example, if you send your October invoices after 7th November, your October account will not be paid on 30th November and will be paid the following month.